Thursday, December 22, 2011

ReVampd Slap Bracelets

These are so easy and a perfect gift for the hard to buy for teenage girl! 


1 slap bracelet about 1" width
about 24" of fabric (mine was a flannel shirt from PawPaw, sentimental value)
Hot glue
high tolerance for pain (you will hurt your fingers or maybe it's just me)

Cut or tear a strip of fabric approx 24" long, there will be left over

Begin by folding and glueing the end in place. 

Next begin wrapping and gluing (just a dot or 2).  Overlap the fabric slightly so you won't see the bracelet once slapped on.  Lightly press the glue so it's not bumpy, this is where the blister comes in.  Finish until you reach the end and trim excess, fold and glue.
Finished!  Slap on!

Now to get them off my daughter!  Make a whole set.  I love the idea of making them with coordinating fabric and adding buttons and such.  I left the buttons on from 2 of the shirts.

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